I use music and movement to teach English as a second language

Vanessa Alanis

Vanessa Alanís Fuentes Oliver "diminui" (México City, 1981).

Historian, Singer, Kindermusik educator, Storyteller, Blogger, Mom of two. Lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Graduated with honors: ENAH Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México. (Interview with Eric Hobsbawm). Specialist in British Social History and Cultural Frontier Music. Sings and preforms in different languages, always finding similarities and differences between cultures.

Little Cambridge - Kindermusik

Kindermusik Top Program in Argentina. Workshops, playdates and storytellings in English for families with babies toddlers and children up to 7 years old.

Little Cambridge -

Playdates and Family Concerts

Variety of Music: Musical diversity builds strong neural networks in the brains of all children.

Instrument Play: Age-appropriate experiences with child-safe instruments.

Dance: Children and their adult pairs dancing together helps a little body develop the muscle strength needed to crawl and walk.

Together Time: A LITTLE CAMBRIDGE PLAYDATE  is truly the essence of “quality time,” offering parents and other caregivers a place to create special memories.

Expert Advice: A Kindermusik Educator explains “what to watch for” every step of the way and how each activity enhances a child’s complete development.

Meet the Beatles

For babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-age children with their parents, this live music concert provides a delightful environment unlike any other. Through a unique blend of multi-age activities that include creative movement, vocal play, object and instrument exploration, and a colorful literature component, all families will enjoy these activities!

Canta y No Llores

Mexican and Argentine folk music blended with children literature and the songs of Cri-Cri and Maíra Elena Walsh


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